Sunday, 4 November 2007

Zack Passport Pictures

Tried hard to get a suitable photo for Zack's passport application:


Fed up...



Mildly upset...





Il padrino...

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Junior Arrival

Transporting Hannah's possessions to Maternity Hospital in time for the kick off:

Zack at the ripe old age of 62 (minutes):

Introducing Junior to his first friend, a large blue helium balloon:

Zack, Hannah & balloon:

Zack and Hannah without balloon:

Zack having a rest:

Zack having a kip:

Friday, 14 September 2007

How Many Pockets?

This is little Cephas. His trousers have an amazing number of pockets. How many pockets do you think they have? Submit your guess as a comment to this post and check back in a few days' time.

Well done Luigi. The answer is ten! You have won a complimentary 2 week all expenses holiday for 3 to Barbados.

Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Textbook Massacre

Got back from work this evening to be greeted by a tearful Hannah in a state of mild distress.

Hannah had spotted a gigantic spider manoeuvring around the house and had taken exception to its presence. To arrest movement of said spider, Hannah installed a structure consisting of an Argos catalogue and two medical textbooks thus:

The medical textbooks were used to minimise the risk of spider pushing the Argos catalogue out of the way and becoming free.

Spider next to pig to show just how big spider really was:

Saturday, 8 September 2007

Aberdeen Air Ambulance Pilot's (Past and Present) Hike up Morven

Had what should have been a pleasant hike up Morven (details, including how to pronounce "Morven" here:, just north of Ballater near Balmoral Castle. The reality, however, turned out to be a strenous assault for the summit and then what a never-ending walk back. We did get to sign the official Morven visitor's book (stored in plastic box in a small wooden cupboard on the summit).

Things started off well as Peter showed myself and Andy an interesting gorge feature called Burn o' Vat.

Peter & Andy standing in the Burn o' Vat. Peter is the one who does not look like he is trying to flog me a second-hand car:

Other views of Burn o' Vat (note lightweights in the first picture retreating downwards as we climb up to continue the hike towards Morven):

View east from the summit looking along the summit plateau (the tiny spec in the distance is Andy struggling to catch up):

View looking south from the summit to Loch Muick (part of the Balmoral Estate), Dreish & Mayer:

View looking northeast from the summit to Bennachie and surrounding zone:

An abandoned farmhouse at the foot of the hill:

Monday, 3 September 2007

Acquiring a Buggy for Junior

Recently made the purchase of a new buggy for imminent Junior. After much deliberating, we managed to narrow down the selection to a shortlist.

This buggy is from Sainsburys. It has four small non-pneumatic wheels which would give Junior an uncomfortable ride and is not suitable for off road use. The seat is out in the open and not designed for comfort. However, the buggy is free and has plenty of space to store luggage or shopping:

This buggy is from Morrisons. In many ways the buggy is similar to the Sainsburys one. The buggy has an extortionate £1 price tag; however, this £1 can be retrieved with a little determination and an angle grinder:

This buggy is from Mothercare and is referred to as an Xtreme Sahara Urban Detour 3 Wheeler. It has 25% less wheels than the other two. Despite this, they are fitted with pneumatic tyres and is thus extremely well-suited to off road use. Junior can be seated in comfort and warmth and will enjoy the benefit of being able to visit places that might not be possible in either of the other two buggies:

The occupant of the buggy is a three-dimensional mock up of Junior based on an artist's impression of Junior.

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Luigi in Aberdeen

Luigi arriving at Aberdeen Airport from Liverpool:

Luigi and Nathaniel on Brimmond Hill (Aberdeen & North Sea behind):

Nathaniel and myself on Brimmond Hill:

Hannah, Nathaniel & myself on Brimmond Hill, complete with buggy:

Nathaniel on the floor:

Saturday, 4 August 2007

Cairngorm Summer Meanderings

Eventually managed to find a day last week which had a reasonably(ish) good weather forecast for some hiking in the Cairngorms. Unfortunately the summits were shrouded in cloud just moments before we got to the top.

Having finally reached the summit of the Angel's Peak, we walked south along the ridge past Cairn Toul and down to the Devil's Point.

Adrian walking along the ridge south of Cairn Toul:

Descending south from Cairn Toul to the Devil's Point (River Dee beyond):

Looking south along Glen Dee from the Devil's Point:

From the Devil's Point looking NNW to Cairn Toul over Coire Odhar and Coire an t-Saighdeir:

Looking down from Devil's Point to the River Dee and Corrour Bothy, 800 metres northeast and 440 metres below. In a direct line the distance is approximately 913 metres (thank you Pythagoras). The bothy is soon have the luxury of a toilet.

Looking north from the Devil's Point up the Lairig Ghru to the source of the River Dee:

Devil's Point from the south. Still a long walk to retrieve the bikes, two punctures, a few miles on the bikes and then six miles just to get to the nearest village.

Adrian cycling off at speed in an attempt to get back to the car before something else bad happens:

Saturday, 21 July 2007

Newly Decorated Room for Junior

Been busy decorating room for imminent arrival of junior.

Work in progress:

Friday, 20 July 2007

Tour de France Rider Clips Dog

Been a bit busy decorating junior's room (pictures to follow imminently) and watching the Tour de France (which incidentally had two days in England this year) recently, hence the lack of activity here.

The other day a big yellow dog decided to cross the road as the cyclists passed. This is what happened:

Not as spectactular as the big crash just before the finish in Ghent last week:

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

The 2007 Corrieyairack Challenge # 2

Far more of a Challenge (with a capital 'C') than expected, but we made it. 68th position for me (4:47:28), 76th for Adrian (4:54:27) and 106th for Lidster (5:34:52) out of the 148 who completed the mountain bike event. Team position: 17th out of 28. Not a bad effort for the Lidster who barely even knew what a bike was until a few weeks ago.

The three of us at the start (left: Lidster, centre: me, right: Adrian):

Action shot of the Lidster enjoying the first half mile before starting uphill. Sadly things went badly for him from here on.....

Adrian approaching the summit of the pass:

Adrian negotiating the descent. Inconveniently, the track had been slightly washed away, so the ride down consisted of negotiating football-sized boulders on what was left of the track and making up our own route down as we saw fit.

Essentially an enjoyable day out. Scotland seems to be just one big adventure playground!