Far more of a Challenge (with a capital 'C') than expected, but we made it. 68th position for me (4:47:28), 76th for Adrian (4:54:27) and 106th for Lidster (5:34:52) out of the 148 who completed the mountain bike event. Team position: 17th out of 28. Not a bad effort for the Lidster who barely even knew what a bike was until a few weeks ago.
The three of us at the start (left: Lidster, centre: me, right: Adrian):

Action shot of the Lidster enjoying the first half mile before starting uphill. Sadly things went badly for him from here on.....

Adrian approaching the summit of the pass:

Adrian negotiating the descent. Inconveniently, the track had been slightly washed away, so the ride down consisted of negotiating football-sized boulders on what was left of the track and making up our own route down as we saw fit.

Essentially an enjoyable day out. Scotland seems to be just one big adventure playground!