Saturday, 8 September 2007

Aberdeen Air Ambulance Pilot's (Past and Present) Hike up Morven

Had what should have been a pleasant hike up Morven (details, including how to pronounce "Morven" here:, just north of Ballater near Balmoral Castle. The reality, however, turned out to be a strenous assault for the summit and then what a never-ending walk back. We did get to sign the official Morven visitor's book (stored in plastic box in a small wooden cupboard on the summit).

Things started off well as Peter showed myself and Andy an interesting gorge feature called Burn o' Vat.

Peter & Andy standing in the Burn o' Vat. Peter is the one who does not look like he is trying to flog me a second-hand car:

Other views of Burn o' Vat (note lightweights in the first picture retreating downwards as we climb up to continue the hike towards Morven):

View east from the summit looking along the summit plateau (the tiny spec in the distance is Andy struggling to catch up):

View looking south from the summit to Loch Muick (part of the Balmoral Estate), Dreish & Mayer:

View looking northeast from the summit to Bennachie and surrounding zone:

An abandoned farmhouse at the foot of the hill:

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